Evaluation Development

The Evaluation Development sub-project implements a nationwide e-exam portfolio that extends existing application areas. The project advances digital, collaborative learning environments that support teaching and learning and supports year-round learning opportunities. The work packages of the project implement the tools for students on demonstrating competence and for teachers tools to develop assessment to increase the effectivity.

WP1: Hall exam / Bring Your Own Device (responsibility: University of Jyväskylä)

Hall exam means exam, that the participants carry out on their own devices (BYOD). Safe Exam Browser has been chosen as the solution to examine and its functionality currently being investigated. Hall exam would fit i.e. on course exams or on exam renevals on general exam days.

WP2: Autograding (responsibility: University of Turku)

As a significant part of the project, the future is explored by exploring the potential of artificial intelligence-based assessment technology. The aim is to study and build a proto-based automatic essay assessment on language technology and automation, the development of which will be carried out at the Department of Future Technologies at the University of Turku.

WP3: Joint exam and project management (responsibility: University of Oulu)

Joint exam is an electronic exam with examiners or participants from two or more universities. Joint exam has been piloted during spring 2019 with good results. The service is now being developed based on pilot results and user feedback.


The work packages study and pilot solutions that promote flexible assessment methods and learning opportunities. The project will implement a national solution for cross-learning and co-operation in the field of teaching and assessment, which will be integrated into the university’s educational and information management infrastructure.

The implementation of the sub-project and project management is the responsibility of the Exam Consortium. The solutions in the project are integrated into the Exam system and the services of the Exam Consortium, and they serve extensively Finnish universities and their students. The project involves a wide range of partners (students, teachers, pedagogical experts, other key projects).

The themes of the subproject also appear in the episodes of the Aquarium Love?-webinar series. Webinars are open to everyone and can be heard afterwards. More detailed dates and topics can be found on the EXAM website.